Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All Things Bright and Beautiful

So I'm a big old dork. A sentimental weenie, if you will. Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of St. Francis by blessing the animals. Each family was invited to bring a leashed or caged pet to church and have it blessed by our priest. I was skeptical. For one, I'm not the biggest animal person. I've always had bad luck with pets that bark incessantly, puke all over the house, make me sneeze, and generally make me miserable. That's not to say that I don't love animals. I do. I just like them to belong to someone else. Or better yet, to be living in the wild. Away from me.

I will admit, however, that this last Sunday might have changed that. Just a little.

Before church the air was full of the sounds of animals. Barking. Meowing. Children squealing. I was pretty out of it having spent a late night on Saturday with friends at a wedding. Wine had been flowing, music had been blaring, and much dancing and laughing had occurred. Let it suffice to say that barking and meowing was not helping the situation. I took my place in my favorite pew, and Katherine and I knelt for our pre-church prayer. This week's: Dear Lord, let me stay awake through this service. Then the massive sound of our church's formidable pipe organ began. Katherine was beaming. One of her favorite hymns was playing: All Things Bright and Beautiful.

Then began the procession.

Like every Sunday the cross, held high and shining in the sunlight streaming through the windows, lead the way followed by the acolytes and the choir. But this week's procession kept going and going. Every man, woman, and child who had brought a pet to church processed down the aisle. Schnauzers, chihuahuas, and even a horse-sized dog named Walter were processing right next to the gospel. Two children bearing simple plastic tupperware containers with beta fish were right behind. As this modern-day Noah's ark came down the aisle I couldn't help but smile. I looked around the church, and we all were smiling. And not just smiling. We were jubilant. Every voice was singing at full capacity as we rejoiced in these “creatures great and small”. We were brought together by a common love, knowing that “the Lord God made [us] all”. Before I could help myself I found my voice breaking. It must be because I'm tired. Then I realized that a tear was streaming down my face. Why? I don't even like animals. I especially don't like loud ones after the night of a wild party. But here I was. Surrounded by friends and all of God's creation crying. Perhaps it was the grandeur of the organ. Music can arouse false emotions as every film score composer can tell you. Maybe it was sleep deprivation. Maybe it was a number of things, but I like to think that it was humility and a sense of community. Here we are gathered together to remember a man who preached that all living things are connected through God. We are all one big family. Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Brother Chihuahua and Sister Schnauzer. All things bright and beautiful.

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