Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bible Challenge Week 12

Here are the readings for Week 12:

Monday - Joshua 1-3, Psalm 65, Luke 23
Tuesday - Joshua 4-6, Psalm 66, Luke 24
Wednesday - Joshua 7-9, Psalm 67, John 1
Thursday - Joshua 10-12, Psalm 68, John 2
Friday - Joshua 13-15, Psalm 69, John 3
Saturday - Joshua 16-18, Psalm 70, John 4
Sunday - Enjoy hearing the Scriptures read aloud in church  

I'm quite ashamed that I haven't written anything in a while.  Sound like a broken record?  Well, that's just the way it is, folks.  I'll admit that I'm a little behind in my reading, but I fully intend to catch up this week.  You'll forgive some mild venting on my Bible Blog, but life is really full to the brim.  I don't have enough time in the day to get even half of what I need to get done done.  I know no one has enough time, and people keep telling me you have to make time, but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to do that.  I actually feel ill today and I'm sure it's a combination of stress and exhaustion.  I thoroughly enjoy all of the things I do in life, but I'm effectively working the equivalent of three full-time jobs...and still barely have enough money to get by.

"Consider the lilies of the field..."  There's a Bible passage that has come and gone in this Bible Challenge.  I'm still struggling with that one.  I think Jesus horribly over-simplified that part.  I would love to not have to toil or spin, but I don't think that would work out too well.  If any lilies of the field are reading this blog, let's have a Freaky Friday experience and swap lives for a few days.

But, count your blessings, right?  I have my health for the most part.  I have a place to live and food to eat.  (Heck, I've got too much food to eat and need to find time to exercise!  There's that pesky time thing again.)  I'm a working actor, which is an enormous blessing in itself.  

So, this week's schedule is rather full.  I work all day tomorrow and spend what free time I have writing Murder Mysteries to be performed on Wednesday and this weekend.  Tuesday, I'm performing "Overruled" in Warren, and Thursday is prep for the weekend 3-day Murder Mystery I won't be in because Katherine and I are flying to Texas for a few days.  Aha!  There's my time to read the Bible:  on the plane to and from Texas.  

So, loyal readers, stay tuned for some actual thoughts on the Bible and less drivel about my lack of free time.  Please feel free to make your own comments on the reading here without waiting for me!  I'll most likely just pick up blogging about this week's readings.  I'll read the rest, of course, but I've missed too much to comment on at this point.

See you soon! 

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