Friday, July 15, 2016

Teen Camp and Peace

I haven't yet written anything for last week's Teen Camp, because I'm not really sure where to focus. It was a hard week of violence in our country, and during that time, I was at ECC with a group of teenagers praying for and talking about peace. It can be so hard to constantly pray for peace and feel like we're not getting anywhere. It's easy to lose hope and to think that God isn't listening to our prayers.

A stand-out moment for me at camp was when one of our younger campers asked if she could preach. This spirit-filled young woman gave a beautiful sermon about the love we feel at camp and how we need to spread that love and hope into the world. I don't think I can improve on that message, so I'll just leave for you here links to three videos that I think say it best.

The first is a video created by our campers. It was 100% the idea of teens entering 7th, 8th, and 9th grades, and I hope it will spread hope and love to the world.

The second is a sermon I gave the following Sunday at Emmanuel Church in Newport. I was largely inspired by the love of our campers.

The third is a music video by my favorite theologian, the Blessed Dolly Parton of Sevier County, Tennessee. It asks the question so burning in my heart: Are you there, God?

1 comment:

  1. If we would all just listen to the children and Dolly this would be such a better world. Thanks for posting the videos.
