Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bible Challenge Day 45

Leviticus 22-24, Psalm 37:19-42, Mark 11

Reading the story of Palm Sunday again (since we just read it on Sunday), I was really taken by how humble Jesus' story is.  Here's the son of God riding in on a Donkey.  The great Messiah the people were waiting on should have entered the town on a great steed followed by riches and armies of might.  Here's a man on a borrowed baby donkey.  In stead of a red carpet, he relies on the generosity of others who lay down their cloaks and leafy branches.  That seems to be Jesus' message, though.  Glory is saved for God in heaven, not for man here on earth.  There's also a strong sense of relying on one another.  To quote Blanche in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, "I've always depended on the kindness of strangers."  That could be Jesus' mantra.  He relies on a borrowed donkey.  To connect that to the Leviticus reading, I noted the law saying in Leviticus 24:22 "You shall have one law for the alien and for the citizen."  We are all God's children and all share in responsibility.  Although God chooses Israel as his holy people, they are not to lord themselves over others, but to share in doing God's will.

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