Leviticus 25-27, Psalm 38, Mark 13
Both the Psalm and the passages from Leviticus today share the idea that God rewards those who follow his law and punishes those who do not. Leviticus seems much more severe on this matter, but the Psalmist says he is sick "because of [his] foolishness". It's an interesting idea that we don't really hold to any more. I can remember the disgust I felt when people suggested that the September 11th attacks were due to the sinfulness of the American people. I just can't believe that's true. I do see healing and hope and well-being in following God, though. I think that when we follow God's commandments and study His Holy Scriptures we become closer to Him and can better deal with the challenges of life.
Jesus reminds us of this in Mark's Gospel. It's the famous passage about the end of times. It's often quoted to silence the crazies that predict the end is upon us. Jesus tells us that only the Father knows when the last days are coming, but he urges us to "Keep awake." I think that's great advice. It's that old joke to look busy: Jesus is coming. We don't know when Jesus will return, so we should live every day as if he were coming. I don't think that means living in fear or hiding things. I think that by living in God's law, and following Jesus' teachings we actually live fuller, richer lives that not only prepare us for the joy to come, but make this life bearable. Joyful, even.
I think I got my readings from Mark mixed up. This may be about Ch. 12
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