Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bible Challenge Day 12

Genesis 31-33, Psalm 11, Matthew 11

In Matthew's Gospel today, Jesus get pretty upset.  He's using angry tones and stark warnings to prove his authority and claim his rightful place.  He makes an interesting point that all the signs are in front of us.  In verse 15 he says, "Let anyone with ears listen!"  In other words, we have all we need, but we don't accept or recognize God's works and the words of the prophets.  No wonder Jesus compares us to "children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to one another".  He gave us music, but we didn't dance.  He gave us wailing, but we didn't mourn.  Everything we need has been provided.  I'm no hypocrite.  I've had times of spiritual doubt and despair.  I still don't fully understand everything, and I often ask God "why this" or "why that".  Jesus tells us in verse 19 that "wisdom is vindicated by her deeds."  We will see what is true by what happens.

Jesus does add some comfort, though.  After talking about how miserable judgment will be and how unworthy we all are he offers his own help.  Jesus says that because of his relationship to God as His son, he will reveal us to God.  He also offers to take on our burdens.  That seems like such a simple thing.  Just hand off our problems to Jesus.  I certainly have trouble doing that.  I've been incredibly stressed lately about how I'm going to find time to go to work, rehearse the shows I'm in, do my taxes, do my laundry...the list goes on and on.  Those little things don't really matter, though.  Yes, I have to do them all, but my focus should be on doing God's work in the world.  I believe that as long as I keep focused on Him, He will give me strength and endurance to get it all done.  My burden is heavy, but Jesus says "[his] yoke is easy, and [his] burden is light."  If he's offering to share the load, I guess I should let him.

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