Leviticus 4-6, Psalm 32, Mark 5
So I realized that yesterday I read Mark 5 and somehow skipped over Mark 4, so today you're hearing about 4. My excuse: I'm in tech rehearsals for Grey Gardens and I'm working a lot. Sorry.
Jesus says in Mark 5:13, " "Do you not understand this parable? Then how will you understand all the parables?" That's a pretty bold statement. It certainly makes me want to study the parables more so I can get all of Jesus' message. I can't help but read this passage and sing that old sunday school favorite, "This Little Light of Mine". When I was a kid I loved that song because it was catchy and had hand motions. I remember when we got to the "Hide it under a bushel?" part I would yell at the top of my lungs, "NO!". Now, I was yelling just because I was a kid and what kid doesn't like to yell? But looking back now, that's the kind of enthusiasm we should all have for our faith. I was reading my Bible in the dressing room tonight during our rehearsal, and one of the actors says, "Are you reading the Bible?" I answered yes, and he said, "Why?" This led to a great discussion of my faith: what I believe and why. I think it was enlightening to him to hear that one can be a Christian and not be a zealot or a nut job. I like to think that I was letting my light shine. Jesus says, "For there is nothing hidden, except to be disclosed; nor is anything secret, except to come to light." To me that means that we might as well let it shine, because people will find out sooner or later. I also find it very comforting that there isn't some secret out there that God doesn't let us have. (Sorry gnostics.) Everything we need has been provided in the person of Christ.
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