Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bible Challenge Day 24

Exodus 10-12, Psalm 20, Matthew 21

"This is how you shall eat it:  your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it hurriedly."   -Exodus 12:11
That's a pretty hasty meal.  I love the imagery of eating while ready to go.  I'm always on the go myself, so I understand the necessity of eating quickly so I have my strength.  I had never thought about the fact that they ate unleavened bread because they didn't have time to wait for the yeast to rise.  These are a people waiting for God to give the go-ahead.  They've lived in slavery, they're tired, and they're ready to go.  How many times does Exodus say, "Let my people go", and now they are ready.  I find that in the Bible we often find places where people are hurrying to wait.  The Israelites  hurry to leave Egypt only to wonder in the desert for 40 years.  We're told in the Gospels that "the kingdom of God is at hand", but we're still waiting 2000 years later.  I think that's often God's plan.  Get ready.  Gird your loins.  Have your shoes on.  And wait.

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